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FOLLOWING HIM I suddenly had this thought, are we FOLLOWING HIM onto the ark or the Titanic? One vessel was sealed in pitch, which means smeared, anointed sealed. The ark could not sink because our Lord sealed it, anointed it and ONE MAN MADE A DIFFERENCE. He wasn’t influenced by man’s opinions, for 120 years! Rather astonishing, he had no idea what the word rain meant. I have pondered on how Noah was able to continue on in this pursuit, his grandfather Methuselah was a contemporary of Adam, wow. In my finite thinking, Adam must have shared so much about walking with God in the spirit of the day, and how life was on what we call earth, how spectacular it had to be. And naming the animals, which Noah then lead into the ark. Zechariah 4:6 a verse we know so well, “it is not by might nor by power but by His Spirit.” FOLLOWING HIM. There are so many stories in the Word and in each of our lives that has determined where we are , how He lead us through wildernesses, and delightful times, ALWAYS FOLLOWING HIM. He does go before us and is with us, Exodus 33:14,” His presence is with us and givse us rest.” Moses, another one I have pondered about how he was able to be sustained on the mount on six ascents and descents. One day, as I was lying under a mosquito netting in Pemba, Mozambique in the pitch dark of Africa with one light bulb swinging from the wind from the fan in 100 degree and 100 percent humidity, I was told I was preaching all week to Mozambique pastors, I said , “alrighty!” I was preparing and had my bible open to Exodus 3:-4-6 and was meditating on it, and suddenly all power went out, no light, no fan. But God, and we had church under the mosquito netting he showed me how Moses was sustained and maintained his walk , it was after the Lord told Him at the burning bush to remove his sandals. In old Jewish tradition, when a man took off his shoe it was a sign he became betrothed to his beloved and so Moses’ heart became one with our Beloved Jesus. That love and hearts beating as one elevated Moses to a different level of passion and obedience. And he could wait and hear and discern clearly directions for the people . He was given the insights for our fabulous PASSOVER which so sovereignly points us to our PASSOVER LAMB. IT ONLY TAKES ONE TO MAKE A Difference, FOR ETERNITY. As we stir ourselves up let’s remember the power of the blood, Revelation 12;11. Every Feast was instituted by one man, and we celebrate yet today, they are the Lord’s feasts, not just for the Jews And Noah, a wow amazing walk, it is through his loins and his family that we are here today. Through one man’s obedience in FOLLOWING HIM. How much more NOW in this day of epic proportions of upheaval, the unknown daily, we must FOLLOW HIM and His directions for them, those that need Him those that need uplifting, a hug, food, loving kindness. The Titanic crossing ended in tragedy. And consider the unprecedented dynamics of Noah, not fully understanding and knowing the ark could be an Exodus for others if they would FOLLOW him and his family, So, all his relatives, friends, etc. were lost in the flood. The door of His Ark is still open, MANY NEED TO FOLLOW HIM and enter in to receive eternal life. John 4:24 “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.” John 17:3, 4 “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.” (May we be able to know this in our own hearts also) Revelation 14:13, “ Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, Write: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. ‘ ‘ Yes, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works FOLLOW THEM.” Please encourage friends, believers and others, strangers you might meet to join us in the Kingdom of our Jesus, to trust God not to take tattoo or mark, or vaccine which will have chip inserted. God supplied one day at a time for Israel for 40 years, he is the same today and forever. Matthew 19:26, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” I bless all of you with Psalm 91 and deep love and gratitude with hugs from my heart always. I love and appreciate you more than you know and your loving surprise gifts that are always on time. To God be the Glory. An afterthought, Psalm 21:8, 9 Our God knows of course and will find the enemy) Psalm 23:5, 6 at His Table THE WORD, FOLLOW HIM there, THEN we know verse 6 is ours, Surely goodness and mercy shall FOLLOW ME all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Loving gifts so graciously received; you can ACCESS PAYPAL HERE OR or on my web site Or mail to: Merilee Koss; P O Box 482; Guilderland, NY 12084, USA Get ready to dance: Check out I WILL FOLLOW HIM , Andre Rieu, August 2014!

Merilee Koss Prepaired Ministries PO Box 482 Guilderland, NY 12084 kindly receiving LOVE offerings Email Merilee



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